// Define dataLayer and the gtag function. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} // Set default consent to 'denied' as a placeholder // Determine actual values based on your own requirements gtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'ad_user_data': 'denied', 'ad_personalization': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'granted' });

Amazon EC2 Backup and Recovery Strategy

Coming Soon Feature

Amazon EC2 backup makes images of EC2 virtual machines, either as EBS (Elastic Block Store) volumes or by using some methods to backup EC2 instance store. By either way, Amazon provides some AWS EC2 backup solutions, and Handy Backup can greatly add to efficiency and capability of these tools.

Amazon EC2 Backup

Creating EC2 Automated Backups

AWS provides a special tool for Amazon EC2 backup and recovery. This backup is always incremental, and makes a virtual machine snapshot on an internal cloud storage. These snapshots are always encrypted, and a user can share it with an entire group of users or with particular AWS accounts.

Note: These are some options to make EC2 backup to S3 cloud from Amazon (with a possibility to reprocess these backups with Handy Backup – e.g. for moving a copy of an EC2 instance to another place. (For the detailed information, please refer to the article about Amazon S3 backup.)

How to Backup EC2 Instances

To create an AWS EC2 backup, a user must call this option from an EC2 console. The complete AWS EC2 backup guide, available on the AWS EC2 website, contains answers for all basic questions, including organizing Amazon EC2 backup to S3 cloud service.

Utilizing Handy Backup for Amazon EC2 Backup

If users will be interested, the developing team of Handy Backup may add a dedicated option allowing backup EC2 instance directly, with all functions and features applying freely to EC2 backup tasks. These features will include such things as:

  • Incremental, differential and mixed (full/differential in a cycle) AWS EC2 backup;
  • Compression and/or encryption built into the program;
  • A wide selection of storages including clouds, FTP servers, local drives etc.;
  • Scheduling EC2 automated backups by time with a repeating period or by an event;
  • Different control options: running other scripts and software, emailing reports, using a GUI.
Automatic Amazon EC2 Backup

Interested In a Future Amazon EC2 Backup Plug-in?

Please send us your opinions and needs about Amazon EC2 backup by completing the form provided below. We will glad to take into account all your suggestions!

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