Amazon RDS Automated Backups and DB Snapshots

Coming Soon Feature

Amazon RDS Backup

RDS backup is a built-in Amazon RDS utility, creating both manual and automated backups for any RDS instance. It is sufficiently reliable and capable, and AWS RDS backup policy always serves as a part of overall RDS workflow. However, as any built-in tool, Amazon RDS backup has many restrictions.

What is Amazon RDS?

Amazon RDS (Remote Database Service) is an Amazon service allowing placing different database instances and servers in a cloud. It allows transferring database-related operations from a local server to a mighty, cloud-type remote infrastructure, reducing both risks and the cost of database-related jobs.

Amazon RDS Backup and Restore

The RDS automated backup service integrates itself into an Amazon RDS computational workflow. It provides automated backups of DB instances in a backup retention period depending on an owner’s region, to reduce traffic and hardware overloads. It also allows manual RDS backup when a user wants.

Problems of Native RDS Backup Utility

The native AWS RDS backup tool does not allow changing storage locations (such as taking an AWS RDS backup to S3), as well as contains almost no controlling tools like precise scheduling of RDS automated backup tasks, security measures other than internal AWS RDS encryption, and many other instruments.

Coming Soon: Amazon RDS Backup and Restore Plug-in for Handy Backup

In addition to internal AWS RDS backup software, the Handy Backup Development Team starts to develop a new plug-in for RDS automated backup. This plug-in will have compatibility with all the features and functions of the unified Handy Backup solution, including such things as:

Automated RDS Backup
  • Scheduling: starting RDS backup tasks at an exact time, with a repeating period from minutes to months, as well as running tasks by a system event (such as logon or plugging a USB drive).
  • Security: encrypting AWS RDS backup data, sending these data by secured protocols such as FTPS and SFTP, taking secured and controlled storages for RDS backups.

Please Help Us Bringing an RDS Backup Feature for You!

New Feature

If you are interested with an AWS RDS backup tool described above, please tell us about your interest! Send us a letter using the form provided below, and do not hesitate to include any questions, opinions and wishes about the future AWS RDS plug-in!

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Other coming soon features: Amazon Glacier Backup and Amazon EC2 Backup.

See Also Other Pages Coming Soon:

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