// Define dataLayer and the gtag function. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} // Set default consent to 'denied' as a placeholder // Determine actual values based on your own requirements gtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'ad_user_data': 'denied', 'ad_personalization': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'granted' });

Thunderbolt Backup: the Fastest of Hard Drive Storage

Thunderbolt backup is a new feature of the Handy Backup software being currently developed by Novosoft data backup professionals. As a simple, flexible, and fast I/O technology, Thunderbolt is witnessed to be acquiring rather notable popularity. There is a strategy by Handy Backup for timely delivery of the most awesome types of backing up data.

So, next time you think about backup via a Thunderbolt port, there is probably such a feature by Handy Backup (no bragging, we are really that fast; check, say, MS Exchange 2010 and Windows Home Server storing and restoring options).

Download Handy Backup – the Thunderbolt backup-soon-to-be and hard drive backup software now! Try free for 30 days! See download details...

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Backup to Thunderbolt: Tech Community’s Consensus

There is quite a trend for feeling tired of “soup” I/O ports and longing for high-speed backup (via Thunderbolt, for example).

There are negative voices, stating that Thunderbolt ports are only good for “staring at”, as the bandwidths of USB 2.0 and 3.0 are quite enough for data on an average home PC.

However, since

sound rather awesome, Handy Backup data backup software evolution analysts state: let backup to and from Thunderbolt be!

Thunderbolt Backup Drive Power

With the Thunderbolt Backup, you will be able to make copies of any data stored on a device connected to your computer via a Thunderbolt port. Traditionally for Handy Backup users, you will be able to copy your data on FTP servers, transfer backup files to local network drives, store folders on HDD, and back up files to flash USB drives.

As long as Thunderbolt backup is naturally much alike backup to an external hard drive, with the new feature you get full set of Handy Backup reputedly smart options: backup automation, data security, plug-ins for careful backup of various data types and applications (e.g. for backing up MS Outlook), and the other backup software etalon functionality.

Want to be among the first lucky users of Thunderbolt backup? Write to support@handybackup.net (feel welcome to entitle the letter “Count me in Thunderbolt backup users”) and get notified once the feature is soon released.

Also, keep an eye on @Handy_Backup on Twitter and Handy Backup on Facebook for the latest news and hottest updates!

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