Mediatemple backup can be performed by third-party software only, as this hosting provider does not provide any server-side backup application.
Traditional Media Temple backup options consist of using different FTP clients and a database console for MySQL backup.
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Some external software, like Handy Backup, can optimize and automate this backup process, allowing such options as Media Temple backup to S3 (popular Amazon cloud storage), dedicated online backup service and full website backup for Mediatemple web hosting.
The most common option for creating Media Temple daily backups manually is the FileZilla, the simple-to-use, cross-platform client software. To create an FTP backup with FileZilla, just connect with your Mediatemple Web hosting account and download the files you need.
Calling Media Temple backup database is a much more tricky process. These are two ways to perform MySQL backup with the Mediatemple hosting service: using the phpMyAdmin graphic console, or applying the SQL dump via SSH and then downloading this dump through FTP.
A skilled programmer or system administrator can write own script or batch to perform both MySQL backup and FTP backup operations automatically, creating a viable solution for scheduled Mediatemple backup. This action requires some knowledge and efforts, however.
The all-in-one backup software, Handy Backup provides all the functionality necessary for Media Temple daily backups. It can automate FTP backup and MySQL backup, as well as tune and schedule any backup operation according to the needs of users.
The list of principal advantages provided by Handy Backup can be very wide. Let us explain some crucial options allowing a user to organize automatic Mediatemple backup:
Automated connection via either “FTP” or dedicated “Hosting” options;
Scheduling backup tasks on a basis from minutes to months;
Providing online backup service, storing data to FTP or clouds like Amazon S3;
MySQL backup through the specialized option;
Saving backups in native formats, allowing using data directly from backup;
Full, incremental and differential backup, with versions and timestamps.
A healthy pack of other useful features, such as user notification via E-mail, starting tasks in “silent” mode as Windows service, compression, encryption and possibility of automated execution of other programs, makes Handy Backup a very flexible tool.
The “Hosting” data option is a relatively new addition to vast functionality of Handy Backup. It provides an FTP backup service for the ever-expanding list of hosting providers, including a Mediatemple. This option allows downloading files and folders from the web hosting via FTP.
The principal difference between the traditional “FTP and the modern “Hosting” features is the latter feature can provide fast connection with a selected Web hosting via FTP. Thus, default parameters used by hosting-specified FTP connection are applied automatically.
To save all website information, please do the sequence of actions according to the following video.
Note: Instructions in this video suggest that you already have Handy Backup installed on your computer. If you still haven’t done so, don’t hesitate to download it.
See also Web Hosting Services for backups and synchronizes data:
⇒ Pair Networks website backup
⇒ Backup of а Site Hosted on Netfirms
cPanel Backup Solution - get a powerful set of functions to backup cPanel related data
JustHost Site Backup - back up site from justhost to external medium using features of our program
FatCow Website backup - with our backup tool you can not only backup and restore you data but also have an opportunity to use our HBDrive cloud storage
Disk Image Backup - back up your hard drive by creating a hard drive image and saving it to the storage medium