Feature List

Handy Backup™ is famous for being a Swiss Army Knife of data backup tools. Its functionality covers everything from files-based copying and disk imaging to multi-server backup.

There is every feature that you could expect to see in a backup utility, so we welcome you to download the program right now (if you still haven′t done so).

Small Windows Logo Download for Free

Version 8.6.1 , built on March 11, 2025. 118 MB
30-day full-featured trial period

For convenience in browsing, all features of the software are divided into five main categories. Click the category name to learn more:

Data Backup


Our software works in a very straightforward and efficient way: you only need to select what to back up (data source), where to back up (storage destination) and how to back up (options). Learn more about backup...

PC Recovery


Backups don′t cost a thing if you can′t restore them in case of a disaster. When considering a backup solution, make sure that it lets you roll back to any snapshot of your data and quickly get back to work. Learn more about recovery...

PC Synchronization


The synchronization function allows you to perform one-way copying (cloning) or two-way copying (mirroring) without compression, encryption and other manipulations. Learn more about synchronization...

HDD Cloning


Restoration of a backup to a new location (i.e. not to the place where the backup was taken) is one of the possible approaches to data cloning. For example, it can be used to set up multiple identical computers. Learn more about cloning...

Data Mirroring


If you want to keep several locations synchronized, then you can use mirroring. Basically, this is a two-way backup which updates each data source when the other one changes. Learn more about mirroring...

Coming Soon Features

Coming Soon Features

On this page you can find the list of features that are planned, or already being developed for Handy Backup. Learn more about coming soon features...

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