Version 7.4.6: Ultimate Database Backup Edition

January 27, 2014

Dear friends, we are happy to announce the release of version 7.4.6. The update is dedicated to facilitate backup of the most popular databases and includes enhanced IBM (Lotus) Notes, DB2, MS SQL and PostgreSQL backup features.

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Version 8.6.1 , built on March 11, 2025. 118 MB

IBM (Lotus) Notes

The updated plug-in provides full-featured support of 32-bit and 64-bit applications. We have also simplified the process of setting up a backup task: to perform Domino and Lotus Notes Backup databases now you need only to select the respective item in the Task Wizard, and the program will automatically locate all available Lotus files. The program allows performing either full backup of all Lotus Backup data or selective backup of specific file categories such as contacts, logs, journal entries, e-mail messages, or other database components.


The modified DB2 plug-in is also designed for both 32-bit and 64-bit databases. The update provides a convenient way to set up an automatic scheduled backup of DB2 databases through the use of the standard Task Wizard. The renewed software is able to locate available DB2 databases and add them to backup set in a one click.


The update brings an opportunity to restore data to non-existing location (for example, a deleted database) while stopping only the database or an entire instance. You can back up MS SQL 2012,2008, 2005 and 2000, both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.


Version 7.4.6 brings stability improvements to PostgreSQL backup and recovery functionality and provides simple and convenient way of backing up one of the world’s most popular free database management systems.

All these plug-ins are available in server editions (Small Server and Server Network) by default or can be purchased as an addition for any other version of Handy Backup.

The update is free and recommended for all users of Handy Backup 7. Download and enjoy it right now!

Previous News

2013/11/21 - Version 7.4.5 Improves Server and Network Capabilities

2013/11/15 - New Opportunities of Network Backup in Version 7.4.4

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