Grandfather-father-son backup is the one of most popular backup schemes, allowing saving data into the two different places with three repeating frequencies. Handy Backup provides tools for GFS backup by using the mixed full/differential backup as “father and son”, and another “grandfather” full backup.
Version 8.6.1 , built on March 11, 2025. 118 MB
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The GFS backup rotation technique is a popular method of data backup, allowing combining full and partial copying to different media for both reducing backup time and enhancing storage security. You can find many articles about what is grandfather-father-son backup strategy means.
In the grandfather father son backup technique, the three scheduled steps make backups:
An example of grandfather-father-son backup schedule
To apply this backup scheme, Handy Backup uses the two separate tasks: one to perform a scheduled mixed backup (i.e. a cycle of full backup followed by some preset quantity of differential backups, repeating at a cycle) as both "father" and "son", and another full backup task as "grandfather".
Basic advantages and disadvantages of grandfather-father-son backup are obvious. Compared to simple backup, the GFS backup strategy takes much time and some planning job for preparation. It also uses at least two storage types for same data. The result, however, is a regular, reliable and consistent backup!
You can save both your “elder” and “lesser” backups to many storage types, including physically or digitally secured data vaults: local drives, external USB disks, NAS, data servers, FTP, SFTP and FTPS storage or clouds like S3-driven, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive (for Business, too) etc.
You can make the grandfather father son backup with uneven or non-standard intervals, like making different backup stages repeating in minutes, in weekdays or in months. Handy Backup allows very flexible scheduling for each task, allowing integrating your GFS backup into more complex strategies.
With Handy Backup, you can divide your complex datasets into different types to apply grandfather father son backup scheme to all these data or only to some components of an information array. Divide and merge, mirror and clone, do different tasks on different network servers – all in one solution!
+ External and Local HDD, WebDAV, USB, Network
To operate in a GFS backup scheme with Handy Backup, you can use the sequence of actions provided by the next instruction. In this example, we are assuming that you will apply a GFS backup scheme to “My Documents”, with FTP storage for “father” and “son”, and OneDrive account as “grandfather”.
Firstly, open Handy Backup. Call a new task wizard by clicking the “Create” button on the main panel, or by calling for a main or context menu. (Alternatively, you can just press Ctrl+N.) Select the backup task type on Step 1, and mark the “Advanced mode” option to access to all the functions of a new task!
As in the previous part, create a new backup task and make it to the same dataset ("User Folders" → "My Documents") as the previous task. Now follow the next sequence of operations:
Well done! You have tuned up the GFS backup schema using Handy Backup! Note that it is now a completely automatic process! You have no need to take any additional actions to drive a grandfather-father-son backup process; Handy Backup will do all job without any interference!
Version 8.6.1 , built on March 11, 2025. 118 MB
30-day full-featured trial period
With Handy Backup, you can copy classic "grandfather father son" backup schemes without any limitations! Experience this technique by downloading a 30-day free trial edition of the program, with all functions and plug-ins available!
Related to Grandfather-Father-Son Backup:
"For me, Handy Backup is a sort of magic. I can implement any scheme of backup that I need, including 3-2-1 and Grandfather-Father-Son backup rotation, with just a few clicks of a mouse. I use the Server Network edition to govern backups on our entire local network, and with the GFS backup task preset, I have absolutely no problem to configure and take any data image that I need!"
George Simmer, a system administrator of Tesco West Coast group