Version 8.3.6: PostgreSQL plugin update

May 31, 2022

Dear customers! Version 8.3.6 is available for download.

The new version supports PostgreSQL 14 database backup. Backups are performed efficiently for all PostgreSQL database standards.

According to the developers, PostgreSQL 14 has improvements for working with complex data types, including easier access for JSON and support for noncontiguous ranges of data.

As a result, the possibilities for managing distributed databases have been expanded, which will help developers and administrators of data-backed applications.

Read more about PostgreSQL backup

Backup and Restore Software - Handy Backup Version 8
Small Windows Logo Download for Free

Version 8.6.1 , built on March 11, 2025. 118 MB

Download and install Handy Backup 8.3.6 just now, to achieve a greater level of your data protection!

Please follow the instruction for updating a program in the User Manual, to ensure that all components of the program will upgrade properly. After completing the update process, just run your Handy Backup and use it for protecting all types of your crucial information!

Previous News

2022/05/05 - Version 8.3.5: update the OpenSSL library and Dropbox plugin

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