Restore Windows image from backup, to return full functionality of a system, when a need will emerge. What to do to restore Windows system image? The answer is simple: all you need is a good utility such as Handy Backup, to automate all related operations!
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Before attempting restoring image Windows, you must have an appropriate backup file. Handy Backup allows you making Microsoft Windows backup directly from a program by some plug-ins in the "Disk Clone" group, or to use the dedicated Disaster Recovery that can save a copy of Windows from a USB drive. You can use Disaster Recovery utility to restore Windows image backup taken by Handy Backup on bare metal computer (e.g. onto a new disk or even to a brand new machine).
You can also restore Windows image from Handy Backup itself, but this option is available for non-system drives only, meaning that a drive selected for recovery must not be the same drive that contains a copy of Windows running currently, with Handy Backup started under it.
It is the simplest way to restore Windows image backup. Just use the same plug-in in Handy Backup to backup and restore Windows image, and select a non-system drive or partition as restoration target.
This is another word to describe bare-metal Windows image restore mentioned before. You can use the dedicated USB-driven utility to restore from Windows image backup on a new or bare metal PC.
Besides using Handy Backup to restore Windows image to some virtual machine instance, you can simply utilize the "System Recovery" plug-in to make a VHD Windows image file and use it as a VM disk.
Note that since January 1,2020, Windows 7 is completely obsolete and you can expect many troubles when attempting restoring system image in Windows 7. Upgrade to Windows 10 as soon as possible.
Always take in account some considerations about restoring from Windows image backup. Samples of these considerations are the next issues (on examples of Windows 10 image):
When you attempt to restore Windows 10 image to smaller drive than a backup copy, you will definitely receive an error message. Always check drive capacity before restoring!
When you try to restore Windows 10 image from external hard drive by using a USB utility, a target drive must be directly connected to a PC, due to unavailability of network.
You can learn in details how to restore windows image backup from external hard drive by reading the User Manual or from dedicated article on this website.