To perform backup or restoration with the MariaDB plug-in, you need to create a configuration defining how to connect to your databases. To create a configuration, you will need: host name, login and password.
To create a configuration for the MariaDB plug-in, follow these steps:
- Click New configuration during creation of a backup or a restore task. The Settings dialog opens.
- In the Configuration field, enter a name for the configuration.
- In the Host field, enter host name or IP address of your MariaDB server.
- In the Port field, enter port number to connect to MariaDB. The default port is 3306.
- In the User field, enter MariaDB user name.
- In the Password field, enter MariaDB password.
- Click Test connection to verify that all fields are filled correctly.
- When finished, click OK.
The configuration dialog looks as follows:
Configuration dialog for the MariaDB plug-in.
The MariaDB user must have sufficient privileges to perform the desired actions:
- To open plug-in listings, browse through the list of databases and select data to be backed up, the MariaDB user must be allowed to run the SHOW DATABASES and SHOW TABLES statements.
- To create backups, the MariaDB user must have the privileges to run the SELECT statements for each database and table that you want to back up.
- To restore data, the MariaDB user must have full privileges to drop databases and tables and restore them from zero.
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