Data Storage

It is impossible for modern businesses and government organizations to operate without computers.However, the use of computerized equipment creates additional risks, unusual to the more primitive methodsof data processing.

For example, one serious problem is the risk of losing information due to a system failure in yourcomputer. Considerably often, unpleasant situations emerge when people lose their data due to a temporary power outage orthe intrusion of a virus into your computer.

In order to prevent these situations, the user must seek some sort ofadditional reserve of data storage. Such carriers that operate in this function are additional internal hard drives,or varying external devices (see the pages related to CD Backup, DVD Backup, USB and Flash Backup, Remote FTP-Server Backup and other). However, the procedure of copying datayourself can be very time consuming and still neglects the possibility of user error. It is justifiably more effective tocopy files with the assistance of a specific program, used to create reserve copies of your files and restore lostinformation to the original sites.

The company Novosoft began working on the convenient and effective program Handy Backup, intended for thecompletion of this task. Although this product has been successful for many years on the market,the company is still working on its perfection and the release of new versions. Currently this product possesses auser-friendly interface and allows data storage to be transferred onto varies types of hardware. Handy Backup’s lowprice allows its purchase and use to everybody who is interested in dependable storage of their personal files.

Download our software and enjoy its wide capabilities of data storage!

Handy Backup Home Standard. >Buy for $39

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Learn more:

  • What Is a ZIP Drive?
    "ZIP disks, developed by the Iomega Corporation, marked a significant leap in data storage technology. These compact disks came in two capacities: 100 and…"
  • What Is Fixed Storage
    "Fixed storage is an internal media used by a computer to store data, and usually referred to as the Fixed Disks or Hard Drives. Fixed storage devices…"
  • How to Create an FTP Server: Step by Step Instruction
    "How to create an FTP server and client on any computer, either personal machine or server mainframe, is a part of system administration backbone practice.…"

Backup Terms Glossary

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