Handy Backup Press-Room

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Glad to see you here! You may now learn about Handy Backup publicity:

Handy Backup Awards

Sources for Press

Journalists of printing press and e-magazines can find PDF-presentation, logo, box and banner of Handy Backup in Sources for Press section.

Handy Backup Awards


Handy Backup is one of the best backup software, therefore it has a lot of different awards, which you can find in Awards section.

Handy Backup Awards


Articles about Handy Backup are being publishing in different magazines, and reviewing by respected software specialists. Go to Reviews section to read the reviews.

Handy Backup Awards


If you need a press-release to publish in magazine, or on your site, see News section and find the newest events about our software.

We hope you find this resource helpful.

If you require more information right away, please, contact with our team.
E-mail: sales@handybackup.net
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